Nesting Boxes

We create a wide range of nesting boxes suitable for small to large flocks with nest box sizes from 50 to 600 hens.. 

Available in single tier (1 bay is for 75 birds) nesting boxes and can be made to suit the number of birds you have.

  • Suitable for 50 to 600 hens.

  • Dimensions from 1.3 meters to 9.6 meters long.

  • 200 watt solar panels.

    Heavy duty battery.

    Chicken Master PRO controller for lights, exclusion nesting doors.

    1 actuator on exclusion nesting doors.

    Steel perches to avoid any unwanted pests.

    Anti-slip conveyor belts perfect for both hot and cold weather conditions.

    Floor mounted nest box.

    Available assembled or in flatpack form.